
Archive for January, 2015

Exciting News!

It looks like 2015 will be a HUGE year for us! We met with the builder and it looks like we will be able to start the building process THIS year!! YAY! I was really worried about the meeting. I just had this huge fear that they were going to laugh at me and tell me that we would never be able to build the home that we want with our budget. I don’t know why this was such a fear for me but I am happy to say that it didn’t go that way at all! We have worked so hard over the last few years to pay down any debts, build our equity in our current home and the land, and make improvements to the home site and so that made a big difference. They said we will definitely be able to build the home that is perfect for us in our budget. We don’t want some huge luxurious home so that probably helps =P What we do want is a good solid build with above and beyond on the foundation, structure, insulation, roof, etc.. All the inside stuff is just fluff and we will add what we can there. I just can’t believe that it will soon be a reality. So right now we are getting our current house ready to put on the market then we will get the process started. The beginning stages of planning, having the architect make our plans for us (our home will be completely drawn for us), permits, etc.. will take about 4 months and then the building part takes about 6 months or less. We are hoping our current home will sell pretty quickly and then we will live somewhere in Gunter (either renting something or a little cabin on our land) during the building process so Tristan can start first grade at his new school. It could be interesting since we will be essentially homeless from May/June until the end of the year. I will definitely be learning how to go with the flow this year. So over the next month we will be working on our current house, getting the water meter put in, getting electric put in and Shannon will be trenching and installing the water line back to the home site. I will post more soon!

Shannon went out to the land a few weeks ago to put some stuff in our storage and our creek was pretty full and the had a lot of ice in it!


and since I didn’t have too many new pictures of the land I will leave you with a few cute pictures of the boys! =)

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